Key Takeaways

  • It is impossible to know the full range of human behavior in the workplace. 
  • We can unlock more information through the targeted use of assessments.
  • Interviews invite prospective employees to be on their best behavior, making it hard to fully judge their strengths and weaknesses.


Full Circle Leadership Development – A Realistic Goal?

As we come to the end of Developing World-Class Leaders, one truth reigns supreme: behavior isn’t guaranteed. All of the characteristics of good leadership can go out the window quickly when a candidate not only settles into an organization but refuses to get on board with the company’s vision. You can lead an employee to leadership development all day long. Yet like the proverbial horse, you can’t make them do what you expect.

Ultimately, the buy-in has to be two-way between the organization and the employee in question. Anything else does not yield the desired effect. 

Capturing the Spark of Potential Leadership Growth

 Introducing assessments is the best way to capture underlying behaviors that lead to either great leaders or those that need to be refined into leadership. The only loss in the world of business is when we don’t make every effort possible to uncover the potential in others. However, the other side of this is often an assumption all of the potential is seen during the interview process. 

Unfortunately, this is far from the case. Again, the candidate has one goal: to work for the organization. In powerful contributors, this is understandable and even desirable. In candidates that are simply looking for a new home to nest in with minimal effort, this does not lead to continued organizational growth. 

Assessments are powerful because while they reveal personality and behavior, they are neutral tools. The assessment isn’t there to personally demean or reduce any employee, but to give a better picture into their behaviors and ability to contribute to the collective success of the organization. 

Finding Direction through Assessments

The roadmap to better leadership development is always ongoing. Consider assessments a sort of compass to help guide you in the right direction. The path may take on different forms, but the goal is ultimately the same: how can this contributor deliver meaningful value, and what obstacles may be present in light of this goal? 

Assessments give data; it’s up to us to turn data into insight. 

Continue Your Full Circle Journey With Developing World-Class Leaders: The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development

In the middle of refining your hiring and selection processes? Want to get a better idea of employee behaviors?  Don’t go it alone; it’s covered in Developing World Class Leaders: The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development.

Did you miss the deep dive on assessments? Check out the Strategic View of Hiring podcast episode, Exploring the World of Assessments.

Check out the book store and order a copy of Developing World Class Leaders: The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development today.

To receive a copy of our Leadership Competency Inventory, complete with 64 competencies, just send an email.

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